22 jun 2011

Ronald Ginther (Los métodos de lucha siguen siendo los mismos)

Ronald Debs Ginther (1904-1969) ilustró los años de la Gran depresión norteamericana y las consiguientes revueltas y luchas laborales en los estados de Washington y Oregon.
Communist street meeting broken up by police. Seattle, Wash., 1929

Pioneer Square, Soapbox orators, 1930

Seattle, Wash. Corner of Washington and Occidental Streets, May 1, 1930, just before fighting broke out, 1930

The Great Depression. Portland, Ore., 1931. Delegation in Office of Relief Station protesting eviction of unemployed family, 1931

Unemployed resist eviction of family, Portland, Oregon, 1931

Portland, Ore., July 28th, 1932. Thousands protest attack on bonus army in Washington, D.C., 1932

Unemployed raid food market in State of Washington. Late summer, 1932

Seattle, Wash., Feb. 1933. County-City building under siege by the unemployed demanding work. The Great Depression, 1933

Seattle City Jail. 1934. Inmate accused in Kangaroo Court of being a scab (strike breaker) in recent longshore strike, smeared with axle grease, 1934

Seattle, Wash. Longshore strike, Smith Cove. July, 1934. Tear gas used by police, 1934

Seattle, Wash. July 5th, 1935, Longshoremen and seamen in silent parade. First anniversary of `Bloody Thursday'. Waterfront strike of 1934, 1936

Seattle, Wash. P.I. Strike of 1936. Violence breaks out as two employees try to pass through picket line, 1936

Streets of Seattle, 1936. Strike at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Violence flares at 6th and Pine as attempt to cross picket line fails, 1936

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